前言 : 快點給我看結果吧!!!
步驟一 : 我們使用Google 的 Embed API 來呈現,這是官網,裡面有很多相關介紹,尤其是左下方的Query Exploer 可以讓你線上測試自己的搜尋內容唷!!
步驟二 : 點擊左邊的 Server-side Authorization 裡面的HTML內容設置即可,或是參考下面程式範例 :
<script> (function (w, d, s, g, js, fs) { g = w.gapi || (w.gapi = {}); g.analytics = { q: [], ready: function (f) { this.q.push(f); } }; js = d.createElement(s); fs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; js.src = 'https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js'; fs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fs); js.onload = function () { g.load('analytics'); }; }(window, document, 'script')); </script> <script> // 更多api 設定 // https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/dimsmets gapi.analytics.ready(function() { /** * Authorize the user immediately if the user has already granted access. * If no access has been created, render an authorize button inside the * element with the ID "embed-api-auth-container". */ gapi.analytics.auth.authorize({ 'serverAuth': { 'access_token': '從後台得到的token' } }); /** * Create a new ViewSelector instance to be rendered inside of an * element with the id "view-selector-container". */ var viewSelector = new gapi.analytics.ViewSelector({ container: 'view-selector-container' }); // Render the view selector to the page. viewSelector.execute(); /** * Create a new DataChart instance with the given query parameters * and Google chart options. It will be rendered inside an element * with the id "chart-container". */ var dataChart = new gapi.analytics.googleCharts.DataChart({ query: { metrics: 'ga:sessions', dimensions: 'ga:date', 'start-date': '30daysAgo', 'end-date': 'yesterday' }, chart: { container: 'chart-container', type: 'LINE', options: { width: '100%' } } }); /** * Render the dataChart on the page whenever a new view is selected. */ viewSelector.on('change', function(ids) { dataChart.set({query: {ids: ids}}).execute(); }); }); }); </script>
重點,記得把後台得到的token 放進 'access_token' 欄位!!!
然後基本的圖表就會出來囉!!! 終於!!!